Tabitha's Wardrobe
Tabitha's Wardrobe exists to "love our neighbors as ourselves" by clothing the homeless, helpless, and hurting in mercy.
Quarterly Giveaways
Once a quarter, on a Thursday and Friday from 9am to 2pm, we open our ministry to the public and host clothing giveaways. This is a free ministry to our community. Visit our calendar to see the dates for the next giveaway.
A Word from our Director, Kristie Burchik
"I was lost in darkness and sin. I thought I did not deserve anything so I kept going more and more into darkness until I was totally lost. Then God found me on a bus bench in Pompano Beach, FL. He was always there providing clothing, food, shoes, a bath, loving me through His church when I didn't even love myself. So I am thankful for Tabitha's Wardrobe; that I might be able to share God's love and hope through this ministry to all in need. I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what God has done for me, he can do for you."
If you have questions, are in need, or would like to make a donation, we’d love to talk in person on Sunday, or message us here.